Toy Story 1

62 Votes

"Toy Story" (1995) is the inaugural installment of Pixar's beloved animated franchise. The film follows the adventures of Woody, a pull-string cowboy doll, and Buzz Lightyear, a space ranger action figure, who belong to a young boy named Andy. When Buzz joins the toy collection, Woody feels threatened and a rivalry ensues. However, their competitiveness is put to the test when they find themselves lost outside of Andy's house and must work together to find their way back. Through humor, heart, and memorable characters, "Toy Story" explores themes of friendship, loyalty, and the value of being true to oneself.

  • Type: Movie
  • Director: John Lasseter
  • Year: 1995
  • Status: Full HD
  • Genre:
  • Scores: 7.31 / 1,515
  • Duration:81 phĂșt
  • Views: 165
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