Terminator Genisys

976 Votes

In "Terminator Genisys" (2015), the story revolves around a reimagined timeline where Kyle Reese (portrayed by Jai Courtney) is sent back in time to protect Sarah Connor (played by Emilia Clarke), the mother of future resistance leader John Connor. However, upon arrival, Reese finds himself in an altered past where Sarah is already a skilled fighter raised by a reprogrammed Terminator (played by Arnold Schwarzenegger). Together, they must confront a new threat posed by a highly advanced Terminator called the T-3000, which threatens to alter the future timeline irreversibly. The film explores themes of destiny, choice, and the consequences of altering the past.

  • Scores: 7.31 / 1,515
  • Duration:126 phĂșt
  • Views: 163
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